Weighted voting
Can this allow us to create an online publication guided by an editorial team. In time can this team be selected by the readership/viewership? Can the audience contribute/refine content? Be involved with extension?
June 23, 2024
Managing Mice
September 7, 2022
Save the date: AgroAdvantage Dumbleyung Field Day - 3rd September 2020
The AgroAdvantage field day at Dumbleyung will be held on the 3rd of September 2020, and we're all invited. It'll be a fantastic opportunity to compare new and pipleine products to industry standards, to contrast different timings and applications, and to meet reps and researchers.
July 23, 2020
Broadacre Nutrition | Stoller
In Australia, Stoller has reps in every state and territory, servicing the whole range of Australian agricultural conditions. In WA, most of Stoller's business happens in horticulture, especially in the South West. On the east coast Stoller does a fair bit in broadacre. Both Stoller and the WA rep (Nigel Shaw) are working hard to expand Stoller into WA broadacre where they have a number of interesting products.
July 17, 2020
Aviator Xpro Trial Report
To demonstrate and evaluate to the extended David Grays Aglink network, the efficacy of Bayer’s foliar fungal Aviator Xpro in barley.
May 26, 2020
Post-emergent Demonstration Report
Demonstration and evaluation of new and existing against Post-emergent broadleaf weed herbicides in wheat.
May 26, 2020
Post-emergent Herbicide Trial Report
Demonstration and evaluation of new and standard Post-emergent broadleaf weed herbicides in barley.
May 26, 2020
Voraxor Demonstration Report
Demonstrate the efficacy of application timings for BASF's Voraxor, compared to pipeline and existing chemistry for Broadleaf Weed control in wheat.
May 26, 2020
Luximax Trial Report
Evaluation of new and pipeline herbicides, for the pre-emergent control of Annual Ryegrass in Wheat.
May 26, 2020

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